A Documentary Short Film

A story of four young boys from the projects. Most New Yorkers who ride the subway have opinions about them, 

but what lies beneath these young performers is more than what meets the eye. 


 Written & Directed by James Burns

Produced by- Todd Wiseman Jr, Milos S. Silber, James Burns


Cinematography by- Andrew Baris


Edited by- Andrew Baris, Andrew Rea

Co-Produced by- Bobby Burton, Andrew Baris, Andrew Rea


Official Selection Tribeca Film Festival 2015

Special Jury Mention - Documentary Short Film



A Documentary Feature Film

Three men in Baltimore, forever marked as convicts in the United States Justice system, walk a fine line between recidivism and their hope for a better future.


written & Directed by James Burns

Produced by Robbie Mirels, James Burns

Executive Producers- Jonathan Gray, Bruce Meyerson, Robbie Mirels, Todd Wiseman Jr., Milos S. Silber, Patti White, Lee Anderson

Cinematography by- Andrew Baris

Edited by- Andrew Rea, Nahuel Attar



A Feature Film

The true story of James Burns who, as a teenager goes from street gangs  to a maximum-security prison cell surrounded by hardened criminals. In this unlikely setting, will James emerge with hope and a brighter future. Starring Mary Luise Parker, James Woods, And Ving Rhames

Directed by- Trevor White

Written by- Lane Shadgette, And Trevor White

Produced by- Tim White, Wayne Rodgers, Steve P. Saeta, Maria Norman, Galen Walker, Scott Mednick

Executive Producer- Bonnie Timmermann

Co-Producers- James Burns, Jonathan Zurer


Now available on Netflix